Wood Badge Training is Leadership Training:
We will touch upon the different families of scouting, but not go into detail of how to run a den, troop, team, or crew. Instead, we will teach leadership skills that apply to all positions in scouting, from the den leader to the chartered organization rep; from the scoutmaster to the advancement chair.
Size of Cots:
I’ve had several questions about whether tents will hold large cots. The tents are about 7 feet by 9 feet. We plan on sleeping two people per tent. The cots need to fit widthwise rather than lengthwise. A standard size cot is 77” X 28” A large cot is 80-82” X 30-32” Those cots will fit. Cots larger than that will not fit.
If you’d like to bring your own tent, please feel free to do so. If not, don’t worry; we provide tents for you.
I had some reports that the mosquitoes are bad this year at East Fork. Be sure to bring a good mosquito repellent.
Conservation Project Work Clothes:
In the middle of the week we will do a conservation project. Feel free to bring jeans and an old shirt to wear that day.
Needed Medications or Dietary Requirements:
On the first day, your gear will be stowed until late afternoon. If you have medications or dietary needs during the day, please keep them with you in a day-pack so you can have easy access to them.
Wood Badge Ticket:
To help make your ticket more meaningful, you may want to talk with people you work with to get some ideas of things you can do when you get home. Also, please complete the 20 Questions form before you come. No one but you will see the answers. However, this reflection will help strengthen your ticket.