
Welcome to your Wood Badge adventure!  Thank you for your commitment to the youth of today, for the investment you are making in them to commit to six incredible days of intensive leadership training.

Your Wood Badge journey begins Monday, July 26, 2010 at 7:30 a.m. at Camp Travis Training Center located at East Fork of the Bear, Boy Scout Reservation.  Before you come, please complete the 20 Questions for your use, the online Personal Resource Questionnaire, and a medical form.  You can link to these forms on the right side of this site.

We are so excited to share this week with you.  When you come to course, please think of one boy whose life you can influence.  This boy can be real or imagined.  It doesn't matter if your position is not "direct contact" with the boys.  Everything you do in scouting will influence the boys.  During the week, concentrate on one boy.

At every lesson, learning experience or activity, ask yourself:

What am I learning to help me make a difference?

If you do, I promise, Wood Badge will not only be life-changing for you, but for the youth and boys you work with and love.  Again, we are so excited to spend a week with you in the mountains and can't wait to see you!

Your Staff
Wood Badge