Sunday, March 6, 2011

Traci Wood Beading Ceremony

One of Traci's tickets was to get parents more involved with Cub Scouts.  She was the Blue and Gold Committee Chair and used that position to involve more parents and put on a fabulous Blue and Gold Banquet.  Traci's beads were awarded at the Blue and Gold.  

Traci Blowing a Kudu Horn
Below is an excerpt of what she said about the difference this ticket made in the lives of boys.

"I worked carefully with the pack committee chair to help fill the Awards chair and membership chair positions.  As I am the Blue & Gold chair I began to ask for people to help with the banquet.  A full committee helps the pack function properly and smoothly.   This is what makes a difference in the boys experience as a cub scout.  Parental involvement and enthusiasm keeps the pack and the boys moving through the year. It has been a great year and I am glad to be a part of my pack.  They are wonderful leaders." 

Overall ticket experience:
"I wanted to use the oppor- tunity of my tickets to help me under- stand what I can do in cub scouting once my den of Webelos crosses over into the Boy Scout Troop next year.  And, they have done just that. I now know that I will still be able to make a difference in a boys experience, even though I will not have a direct involvement with a den.  I will miss being a den leader but look forward to the challenge of working in cubs on a district and council level.  I will always remember my journey through completing my tickets." 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Congratulations Karlin Coombs from the Owl Patrol

Wahooo! We have another owl who completed a ticket! Congratulations Karlin Coombs!!! Below is an excerpt of how Wood Badge had made a difference in the lives of the boys Karlin works with.

"I do know that having a fun and consistent program has kept them coming and participating. I think of one boy who struggles socially... Cubs has given him a place to come and be accepted and able to participate with boys his age. I have seen him grow this year and feel comfortable passing him on to the bear den. His family has supported him, [more than they have in the past]. It has not only helped him, but his family as well. I have really enjoyed watching him grow, learn, and earn his awards.

Woodbadge was a door for me -- it helped me see what the program can do for boys. I realized how we prepare our boys for the Boy Scout program and that we are there to help form character, not just earn awards. I love the program and am grateful to be part of it."

Congratulations to Matthew Flitton on Getting His Beads

Congratulations Matthew Flitton!!! We are so excited for Matthew and his work with the Varsity Scouts. One of Matthew's favorite ticket items was to conduct the Varsity Leadership Training course as outlined in the Varsity Guidebook. This ticket made a great difference in the life of one boy. Here is an excerpt:

"I held this at a cabin in November. We taught the classes, and between classes the boys could play video games, watch movies, and play pool. This helped individual boys in several ways. I have a new Varsity Scout [who's] not athletic and likes to play video games. He's kind of shy. ... The video games made him feel more comfortable and he participated in the action breaks and classes. He got to know the boys, and the other boys got to know him. One of them had previously teased him at school. He has stopped, and started being a friend to [this boy]."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Congratulations Sean Peck on Earning His Beads

Sean Peck completed his ticket and had his beading ceremony on January 13. Here is a summary of how he felt his ticket made a difference in the life of a boy:

"I know my ticket has made a difference. I have seen leaders catch the fire of wanting to be trained and this will greatly help boys around our district and council. I have seen boys take the lead in planning and gain life knowledge. I have been able to make positive changes that will see lasting effects in the boys of my entire zone. This has been a great experience for me."

Congratulations Matt Neilson of the Bear Patrol. He received his ticket on January 13, 2011, too! Here is an excerpt of his favorite ticket and how it made the difference in the lives of boys.

"I volunteered at the American Diabetes Association walk this year. [Matt has a special interest because of individual's he knows who have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. In addition to helping there, Matt earned money for the Association.] I had my boys from my ward come up and help set up chairs and organize the food and get the food off of the Semi Trailer. My unit also performed the flag ceremony in front of 2,000 + people.

MAD for a BOY: This ticket was my favorite one for sure, also my hardest.... After I helped set everything up I had 5 of my Young men come up and they performed the flag ceremony. This was done by one of my 11 year old scouts and in front of a lot of people. [He] did such a great job. Our boys set the tone for the entire day. One of the neatest things that put the Woodbadge stamp on this ticket for me was the story that was read before the walk kicked off. I suggested they use the “Starfish Story” as a way to teach and help people realize that we can all make a difference. Even though we don’t think we are, you never know who you can touch to make a difference. Like I mentioned this was my hardest ticket but the most fulfilling. With the money I helped raise and teaching the boys the importance of God and Country with the flag ceremony we truly can make a difference."