About the Staff

Michelle Christensen, Scoutmaster
Wood Badge has made a great difference in my life, as I hope it will in yours and the lives of the boys and youth you work with.

I went to Wood Badge in 1997 at East Fork of the Bear, and I'm so excited to be back at East Fork for this course.  I have served on five previous Wood Badge Staffs:  2002 (a week-long course at Camp Kiesel outside of Ogden, Utah); 2006, 2007, 2008 (week-end courses at Camp Tracy in Millcreek Canyon, Utah); and 2009 (a week-long course at East Fork of the Bear in the Uintah Mountains).  Having worked with both week-end courses and week-long courses, I'm partial to the week-long course.  It is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the training experience.  And there is no better venue than the gorgeous Unitah Mountains.

Currently, I am a Wolf Den Leader and the Scout Advancement Chair, where I work closely with my scoutmaster husband (who has also been a Wood Badge course director).  I have 2 1/2 Eagle Scout sons and a 7-year-old who's very eager to start cubs.  I also have two daughters.

Andy Deus, ASM-Program

Diane Smith, ASM-Troop Guide

Reese Pope, ASM-Facilities

Patrick Kennedy, Sr. Patrol Leader

Alan Arko, Quarter Master

Doug Orr, Quarter Master

Mike Seawright, Scribe

Mike Kenison, Scribe

Rod Bushman, Troop Guide

Will Christensen, Troop Guide

Jim Green, Troop Guide

Tabitha Hanks, Troop Guide

Gregg Morrow, Troop Guide

Tammy Rodeback ,Troop Guide

Trevor Smith, Troop Guide

Ed Thompson, Troop Guide

Dan Horne,Mentor