Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Congratulations Matt Neilson of the Bear Patrol. He received his ticket on January 13, 2011, too! Here is an excerpt of his favorite ticket and how it made the difference in the lives of boys.

"I volunteered at the American Diabetes Association walk this year. [Matt has a special interest because of individual's he knows who have either Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. In addition to helping there, Matt earned money for the Association.] I had my boys from my ward come up and help set up chairs and organize the food and get the food off of the Semi Trailer. My unit also performed the flag ceremony in front of 2,000 + people.

MAD for a BOY: This ticket was my favorite one for sure, also my hardest.... After I helped set everything up I had 5 of my Young men come up and they performed the flag ceremony. This was done by one of my 11 year old scouts and in front of a lot of people. [He] did such a great job. Our boys set the tone for the entire day. One of the neatest things that put the Woodbadge stamp on this ticket for me was the story that was read before the walk kicked off. I suggested they use the “Starfish Story” as a way to teach and help people realize that we can all make a difference. Even though we don’t think we are, you never know who you can touch to make a difference. Like I mentioned this was my hardest ticket but the most fulfilling. With the money I helped raise and teaching the boys the importance of God and Country with the flag ceremony we truly can make a difference."

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